How to setup interaction between reports?

In order to setup interaction to another report, the user had to choose interaction type. There are two categories of interaction types: drill-down to report and jump to a dashboard. …

What is ‘Design Preview Value’ in reports?

‘Design Preview Value’ is a value, that will be passed to the dataset with a ‘Filter Key’ in order to return particular data. To pass this value appropriate filter should be created …

What is ‘Filter Key’?

Once a filter is created it becomes associated with another entity called ‘Filter Key’. The value of this entity is the same as ‘Filter Variable’  value, selected during the filter …

What is ‘Dataset Parameter’?

Once a Stored Procedure is added as a dataset to Rockdaisy platform the new ‘Dataset Parameter’ entities equal to the Stored Procedure parameters will be created. The ‘Dataset Parameter’ are used during the filter …