Build & Customize Forms

Design professional looking forms with RockDaisy Form Builder. Customize with advanced styling options to match your branding. All data captured through Rockdaisy forms is stored in your database, making it easily accessible for export or to create reports within the RockDaisy Setup Portal (Report Designer)

To create a new form go to ADD -> Custom Form

Two ways to create the table in the database to store the data entered in form.

  1. Connect to your database a manually create the table then point form to using the RockDaisy UI (recommended)
  2. Create a table automatically using the format as an existing Excel file (by checking NEW checkbox)


To Create Form:

  1. Enter Form Name
  2. Choose DB connection string to where the entered data should be stored
  3. Choose NEXT

Additional options include:

After Sync Exec Stored Procedure: This means after data is entered you want to execute a stored procedure. Potentially for data integrity checks, update other tables based on data entered, send an alter email etc.

By default, all form fields are editable textboxes (like excel). If you wanted to make a field a dropdown, Choose the edit icon next to the field you want to modify. Change the Editor Type in the Design Panel.

Excel Upload

RockDaisy supports uploading Excel/CSV data. To upload your excel data follow these steps:

Create a table in your database that will store the information. The Table must have a primary key and one column for each column in the Excel file, plus three additional system columns:

[LastUpdateUser] (string)

[LastModifedDate] (date)

[FileName]    (string)

The above columns will be automatically populated.


Fill out the Information


Tip – Create a table in your database to store the data temporarily. After the data is loaded use the [After Data Sync Stored Procedure] option execute a SQL statement immediately after the data is loaded. In this procedure “clean”, error check etc. the data loaded and then potentially move to a final table. Then truncate the temporary load table so it’s empty for the next run.