The Interaction features for Report Visuals are found within the Design panel under the ‘Interactions’ section (following the ‘Footers’ section).  Data is displayable in many formats, both as a high-level summary and/or with its accompanying details.

Table Report – Row Drilldown

Click on any row in a Table Report Visual to display detailed data associated with that row.  The resulting data in the new report, i.e. the child, depends upon the selected row within the parent report. 

There are three options for displaying the data within this Table drilldown functionality:

  • Pop-up window
  • View in pop-up window
  • New dashboard in new window 

In the below example we select the first row of the parent report, passing the value in the Region column = ‘North’ to the child report:

Setting up Row Drilldown for a Table report:

    1. Open the Setup portal
    2. Create / Edit your parent report
    3. Toggle to the Design/Preview tab and expand the Interactions section in the right-hand side panel (fourth item)
    4. Interaction Type: choose ‘Row Drilldown’
    5. Drilldown to Report Visual: choose the desired child report (above example displays ‘Total Sales of Stores’ in the North Region) which contains detailed data related to the Parent report
    6. Filter Variable / Filter Variable Identifier
      The Filter Variable is created within your Stored Procedure.  In the above example, the parent report’s Region column (i.e. category) is the [Filter Variable Identifier] which represents the column value being passed and is assigned to the Filter Variable @Region, as illustrated here:

As illustrated in the Parameters tab of the child report, RD Sales Details has @Region designated as its Filter Variable:

Multi-Row Drilldown
This functions similarly as Row Drilldown except that instead of clicking on only one row, Multi-Row Drilldown enables drilling into multiple rows from a parent report.  This will pass your Filter Identifier values comma delimited values.

Table Report – Cell Drilldown 

Click on any numeric cell in a report’s table to display detailed data associated with that row’s cross section of data, in this example – the Region row and the Year column.

As this example shows, by clicking on the ‘8,000’ cell (the intersection of Region = West and Year = 2019) the resulting report displays sales for each Store in the West Region for the 2019 Year.

Setting up Table Drilldown – Cell:

    1. Open the Setup portal
    2. Create / Edit your parent report
    3. Toggle to the Design/Preview tab and expand the Interactions section in the right-hand side panel (fourth item)
    4. Interaction Type: Choose ‘Cell Drilldown
    5. Drilldown to Report Visual: choose the desired child report (our example uses RD Sales Details by Year) which contains detailed data related to the Parent report
    6. Filter Variable – In this case the Filter Variable parses two independent items into one string – @Region_Year, simultaneously passing a combination of Region and Year categories:

In setting up the parent report your dataset will need to return two categories (Region and Year in our example) as one string; see below:

In the child report’s Stored Procedure note that the @Region_Year parameter utilizes the dbo.getNamePart function to parse the@Region_Year into two variables. They now can be used to filter your data in the Stored Procedure’s query:

Multi-Cell Drilldown
Instead of selecting only one row, use this feature to drill into multiple rows from your Table of data. This has similar functionality to the Multi-Row Drilldown except that here you can click on multiple cells. This will pass your Filter Identifier values comma delimited values?

Chart Drilldown

Click on any chart element (e.g. bar, column) in a Chart Report Visual to display its detailed data.
The resulting data in the new report, i.e. the child, depends upon which element was selected within the parent report:

Setting up Drilldown for a Chart report:

  1. Open the Setup portal
  2. Create / Edit your parent report
  3. Toggle to the Design/Preview tab and expand the Interactions section in the right-hand side panel (fourth item)
  4. Interaction Type: choose ‘Drilldown
  5. Drilldown to Report Visual: choose the desired child report (our example displays ‘RD Sales Details’) which contains the detailed data related to the parent report
  6. Filter Variable / Filter Variable Identifier
    The Filter Variable is created within your Stored Procedure.  In the above example, the parent report’s Region column (i.e. category) is the [Filter Variable Identifier] which represents the column value being passed and is assigned to the Filter Variable @Region, as illustrated here:

As illustrated in the Parameters tab of the child report, RD Sales Details has @Region designated as its Filter Variable:

Table Report – Single-Row Select Jump to App Dashboard

This drilldown feature sends the user directly to a specific view (as opposed to a pop-up window like the other drilldown types) with detailed data corresponding to the parent report.  This view can contain multiple Report Visuals, as illustrated below.

Setting up Table Drilldown – Jump to Saved View:

  1. Open the Setup portal
  2. Create / Edit your parent report
  3. Toggle to the Design/Preview tab and expand the Interactions section in the right-hand side panel (fourth item)
  4. Interaction Type: Choose ‘Single-row Select Jump to App Dashboard
  5. Navigation Type: There are three Navigation Type options.  Our above example uses ‘Saved Preview’, sending the user directly to a specific View.
    [‘Saved Selection’ – presents the user with a list of views to choose from. 
    ‘Dashboard Redirect’ – presents the user with a blank Dashboard to independently design.]
  6. Button Label / Column Title / Width: Define the text appearing in the cell, column header, and formatting of the column
  7. App Dashboard Filter Variable / Filter Identifier: The Filter Variable is created by your Stored Procedure.  In the above example, the Parent’s report Region column (i.e. category) is the Filter Variable and is represented by @Region
  8. Jump to Dashboard: Choose the Dashboard corresponding to your Parent report which will display upon clicking the ‘Details’ cell in the Parent report
  9. Default State*: None [This controls the list of saved dashboards which are displayed in the pop-up window)

*Default State: Defines which dashboards display to the user (in accordance with the chosen App Dashboard in the Jump to Dashboard section)
‘None’ – All, no restrictions
‘My Saved Only’ – Only those saved by the user himself
‘Shared Only’ – Only those shared directly with the particular user or that user’s group

Important Notes on Report Interactions:
** Note that Drilldown Interactions allow for multiple layers of drilldowns (e.g. Parent report A with a Child report B, then make Child report B as a Parent report to another Child report); for the purposes of simplicity in the documentation we’ve only used one level of drilling down

** You can pass the value of any column in the parent report to the child report, even if the column is not a visible column in the table, e.g. an ID column.  For example, behind the scenes the parent report’s table is passing (via the Filter Variable) RegionID to the child report, but from the end-user’s perspective the RegionID column will be hidden from the reports.

RegionID Region Sales
1 North 1,000
5 East 800
10 South 1,500
RegionID Region Store Sales
1 North StoreA 200
1 North StoreB 300
1 North StoreC 500





** Regarding passing parameters, only a single parameter can be passed from a parent report to the child. Use the SQL fnsplit() function to parse your single parameter into multiple parameters. In the below example, DrilldownParameter (SQL column) is passed to the child report. The child report’s stored procedure splits the month number and customerid which are separated by this pipe symbol|

Sample dataset (drilldown parameter is monthnumber and customerid separated by pipe symbol)

OrderMonth TotalItemsOrdered OrderMonthNumber DrilldownParameter
Jan 17 1 1|ALFKI
Mar 18 3 3|ALFKI
Apr 60 4 4|ALFKI