
RockDaisy is a fully customizable responsive web application which enables you to seamlessly embed RockDaisy into an existing app and brand the UI to your liking (see how to brand RockDaisy).

Because every report in RockDaisy is accessible via a URL, simply direct your existing app to prebuilt RockDaisy reports/widgets via RockDaisy’s report URL.

With RockDaisy Embedded—for application developers—you can embed visual analytics in your products therein delivering valuable insights to your users and customers and quickly bringing your platform to market.

To embed RockDaisy in your application or portal, simply generate a URL from your application in a specific format (see below) and call the RockDaisy application. This enables your app/portal to securely access RockDaisy dashboards, reports, and visualizations.

Create rich, interactive reports with visual analytics for embedding with the RockDaisy report designer portal.

It is possible to modify the overall appearance of the application with additional parameters passed to the Saved Dashboard URL.




hides left navigation menu


hides the top right navigation menu


hides the top navigation bar


enables fullScreen, enables export dashboard feature and enables Report Visual Export buttons


enables fullScreen and hides the client logo in the top left corner


enables the dashboard slide show mode.


enables fullScreen and allows reports maximization


enables fullScreen and disabled reports writeback


enables fullScreen and hides RockDaisy bottom mobile menu to display data in a full-screen mode on mobile


enables fullScreen and hides the report visual title bar for each visual on the dashboard


adds the list of CSS classes (space separated) to the dashboard


Automatically opens the SHARE TO EMAIL dialog on the App Dashboard load.

Example of usage:

SELECT ‘https://sample.rockdaisy.com/view/2?fullScreen=true’ as Url – fullScreen

SELECT ‘https://sample.rockdaisy.com/view/2?drilldown=true’ as Url – drilldown 

SELECT ‘https://sample.rockdaisy.com/view/2?hideHeaders=true’ as Url – hideHeaders

SELECT ‘https://sample.rockdaisy.com/view/2?fullScreen={"allowExporting":true}’ as Url - allowExporting

SELECT ‘https://sample.rockdaisy.com/view/2?fullScreen={"hideHeaderLogo":true}’ as Url - hideHeaderLogo

SELECT ‘https://sample.rockdaisy.com/view/2?fullScreen={"hideMobileMenu":true}’ as Url - hideMobileMenu

SELECT ‘https://sample.rockdaisy.com/view/2?fullScreen={"hideMobileMenu":true}’ as Url - hideMobileMenu

SELECT ‘https://sample.rockdaisy.com/view/2?fullScreen={"hideReportsHeaders":true,"additionalDashboardClasses":"test-dashboard-css-class"}’ as Url - hideReportsHeaders

SELECT ‘https://sample.rockdaisy.com/view/2?fullScreen={"editableDisabled":true,"allowMaximize":true}’ as Url - editableDisabled and allowMaximize:true

SELECT ‘https://sample.rockdaisy.com/view/2?fullScreen={"editableDisabled":true}//hideHeader’ as Url - fullScreen with editableDisabled and hide header

Passing parameters from your application to RockDaisy

select 'https://yoursite.rockdaisy.com/view/510?filters=@RDPlayerId=' + cast(@RDPlayerId as varchar(max)) + '&fullScreen=true' as Url

Pass 2 parameters

select 'https://yoursite.rockdaisy.com/view/510?filters=@RDPlayerId=' + cast(@RDPlayerId as varchar(max)) + '&@Param2= '  + cast(@Param2 as varchar(max)) + '&fullScreen=True' as Url

URL does not support spaces in variable values, e.g. @RDPlayerId=’Tom Brady’ will not work. browser will restrict & character in this case.

Encoded Url example (URLEncode is used to handle spaces)

https://yoursite.rockdaisy.com/view/510?filters=%40SSPlayerId%3d1%26%40DateRange%3d2023-12-02T00%3a00%3a00Z%20-%202024-01-01T00%3a00%3a00Z//true результат для SELECT  'https://yoursite.rockdaisy.com/view/510?filters=' +rdm.urlEncode('@SSPlayerId='+ cast(@SSPlayerId as varchar(max)) + '&@DateRange=' + REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar, (CONVERT(datetimeoffset, dateadd(day,-30,cast(@StartDate as datetimeoffset)), 127)), 127) + ' - ' + CONVERT(varchar, (CONVERT(datetimeoffset, cast(@EndDate as datetimeoffset),
127)), 127), '%', '__')) + '//true'  as SavedDashboardUrl

Kiosk Mode

The interactive Kiosk Mode provides audiences with engaging digital content and information through a user-friendly interface. This type of self-service solution has many uses and benefits and can be used for a variety of purposes, including retail sales, consumer/employee engagement, and information sharing. RockDaisy kiosks can also function as digital signage when not in use. Kiosk and signage content are completely customizable and easily updated using the RockDaisy report designer toolkit.

Implementing a RockDaisy Kiosk requires no more than taking advantage of the built-in embedding features (hiding toolbars, menu-bars, etc.) and leveraging RockDaisy’s interactive On-Screen Filters and Slideshow mode.